Saturday, 27 of July of 2024

QE2 WC 2005 – Hong Kong-Dubai, Part 4

Queen Elizabeth 2 World Cruise 2005

Hong Kong to Dubai

Monday, 7 March – Hong Kong

With the whole day in port, I ventured away twice, walking along Salisbury and Nathan Roads doing my errands.  I called Wendy, Geoff and Stephen, and then bought camera stuff, Chinese brocades and post cards, avoiding the insistent tailor promoters.  The weather has been great!  About 700 people left and an equal number have embarked. 

I am always drawn to the harbor and the myriad boats, ships and barges, so after dinner I watched a tug trying to maneuver an oil barge to QE2’s side, and watched the 8 o’clock laser show.  Various buildings host spotlights, lasers and neon lights, which blink alternate colors, bounce beams and so on for 15 minutes.  It is spellbinding!  Eventually I had to join the Lees as we awaited the nine forty-five Showtime.  The Chinese players consisted of a piano and Chinese fiddle duo, 8 drummers, a fantastic dragon and beautiful dancers.  I returned to the magic city views till nearly eleven.  Lenny and I chatted briefly about the emotional experience of Hong Kong!

Tuesday, 8 March – Hong Kong

I skipped breakfast in favor of some early deck time till time to go on the Hong Kong Orientation tour at 8:45.  We went through the tunnel to Hong Kong Island and went in the funicular up the mountain to Victoria Peak.  Rod and I took photos for each other.  Next was the ride down the curvy road through residential areas to Repulse Bay and Stanley market, where I found a better sixteen inch fan and enjoyed strolling through the clothing stalls including cashmere sweaters and shawls!  Last featured was a sampan ride through Aberdeen Harbor and back to the ship by one o’clock and lunch.  I then spent a couple of hours on deck with my favorite harbor scene.  Most of Starboard Boat Deck was roped off presumably for bunkering.  I dozed in the sun and read my book.

After a nap back in the cabin, I emerged on deck to see us depart at six o’clock.  However, we didn’t cast off till 6:35 when she tooted three glorious times and the fore and aft tethered tugs started pulling.  When part way out from the pier, she tooted again and the middle tug carefully moved in by A doorway to join “Sha Chou” with slackened cable and actually bumped the bow area so we could feel the jolt.  These two pushed while the aft tug continued to pull till we completed the 180˚ turn.

Now it is farewell to Hong Kong after three glorious nights and days – more than making up for ports skipped.  Captain McNaught is still with us till Singapore.

Before dinner in the Lido I went aft to watch the city recede and had a chat with Lenny and a friend Lenny had just swam and jacuzzied with!  I also chatted with Eric about the bump, and he said it has to be reported and inspected.  Peter Russell is the new Staff Captain.  He is Marilyn’s husband.  Simon Wood from Yorkshire, played flutes at the show.  I returned to my cabin via wonderful Boat Deck.

Wednesday, 9 March – South China Sea.

This was a lost day for me, since I am in quarantine!  Nuff said.

Thursday, 10 March – same

Same as yesterday.  I got a lot of knitting done and had Room Service.  They sanitized the cabin.  Clocks back one hour.

Friday, 11 March – Leam Chebang, Thailand.  N13˚ 4.2’x E 100˚ 53.7′

I was released at eleven o’clock, so I headed to very hot and humid Boat Deck.  The Lees were on Port side facing the new very Thai-roofed Terminal, so I checked in with them.  I had lunch with them, and then went ashore to see the shops in the Terminal.  Beautiful silks, fans, scarves, handbags, all very tempting.  I read “The QE2 is Missing” on deck in the shade and breeze till 2:30 when I watched the movie “The Notebook:” very moving.  I wandered a bit more outside then had cabin time.  While at dinner, they fumigated my cabin! 

Since the show isn’t till 9″45 I spent some time in Queens Room with the Lees then went on deck to watch the unloading process across the way.  Huge electromagnets pick containers from the ship and place them on a steady stream of trucks.  The evening was very pleasant for the hour or so I watched.

Saturday, 12 March – Leam Chebang, Thailand.

My first activity was breakfast with the Sopers, then a brief look over the things for sale at the terminal.  I then rode the shuttle bus for two trips to Pattaya, hunting for distinctive shrines or “Bats” to photograph.  Back to the ship after one o’clock, where I had lunch on my own in the Lido. 

I had some deck time and cabin time, then I dressed for dinner and watched two tugs pull us away from the dock and QE2 backing all the way out of the docking bay past half a dozen ships being unloaded on the opposite side of the D. Bay. When backed sufficiently she turned on stern pivot 90˚ and headed out the channel.  By this time I was well into my dinner with one new tablemate,  Marjorie from LA.  I walked again on deck then endured a tiresome comedian show.  Mercifully it ended close to an hour, and I headed homeward via Boat Deck.  Several ships to starboard appear anchored in the distance, and we had sped up enough to have a fairly strong wind from forward.  Clocks ahead one hour!

I forgot to mention the numerous children from the orphanage who came aboard to perform and share a tea party in the Yacht Club and the deck aft.

Sunday, 13 March – Gulf of Thailand

This has been a superb and sunny warm day.  It started with breakfast with Vernon, followed by the rest of the morning under boat eleven reading and soaking in the beautiful gulf water scenes, watching the occasional little fishing boats.  At noon Captain McNaught addressed us for his last time since he will leave us tomorrow, and Captain Peter Russell will take over.  I had tried to get my own fix on the GPS but couldn’t get more than one satellite.  N 70˚ 24.5′ x E 103˚10.2′  Course: 256˚  Rhumb line.  Speed 24 knots.  Wind: SE 6 knots – 30 knots over the decks.  84˚ F.  Slight seas and low swell.

When I ate lunch in the Lido I sat with an Aussie who spoke liberally about his abject early life, war deprivations, prejudices and ironically, his gratitude and marvels at being able to go on QE2.  For dessert, I switched to another table to chat with Doug and Rosemary Jackson and friend Joan Martha, another enthusiastic cruiser.  We renewed memories of the tandem crossing when we were at the same table in the Mauretania restaurant on port side by the aft window – in 2004 and other experiences since.

I talked briefly with the Lees and Marilyn (the officer’s wife).  Marilyn remembered the name of the Cunard headquarters, “Southampton House.” The rest of the afternoon saw me back on deck under boat 12 reading till four thirty when I strolled with Myron to B stairway entrance to collect my Passport on 2 Deck for Singapore. 

One fishing boat we passed was rather large with a rounded high red “poop” and blue roof with green bow.  Colorful!  I had to fill out a detailed medical questionnaire for authorities in the States.  Movie:  “Bourne Supremacy” Lido dinner.  Evening deck time.

World Cruise March gift was awaiting me; it is an intricate calendar, clock and calculator with “Queen Elizabeth 2” and “2005 World Cruise.”

Monday, 14 March – Singapore – N 01˚ 16.5′  x # 103˚ 46.5′

I skipped breakfast and am glad I did because this day’s tour of Singapore hosted by Ensemble World Explorers included a ten to twelve course Chinese lunch at a posh restaurant, Lei Gardens at a converted former convent now named Chimes.   Before all this our tour took us up to the Botanical Gardens special orchid section.  Next was a visit to a Chinese Heritage museum housed in three authentic Chinese shop houses, followed by shopping on the shop house alleys, near a Hindu Temple.

After lunch we walked to Raffles Hotel for shopping and Singapore slings at the Long Bar. We were back at the ship by four thirty.  At this port we had to show our passports going and returning.

Since it was so hot and humid, I stayed in my cabin till six fifteen dinner with Marjorie.  I ate rather hastily to hunt down Lenny with his stuff he had left on our coach.   I never found him all evening.  Anyway I did watch the show with Gisèle and the Lees.  Saw Lillian’s pictures, which included one with Muredach Timlin.  He was on the ship till LA but I never saw him.  They said he still isn’t well from a bad beating he had in Ealing.  Seems I heard about this a few years ago!? 

As I write this at 2300 we still haven’t left the Dock due to an electrical hitch of some sort.  The new Captain is Peter Russell, Marilyn’s husband and good friends of the Lees.  I’ll have an inside scoop now!

Tuesday, 15 March – Singapore again!

I awoke after six o’clock to see the same bow picture on channel 3.  We never did leave Singapore!  The announcement came at eight o’clock from Captain Russell with apologies and simple explanation that the technical problems have not been solved.  Singapore immigration people will reprocess all the passports so we can go ashore in the afternoon by Shuttle or additional tours.

I returned Lenny’s stuff to him.  Breakfast with Jenny, who was the one able to go to the orphanage in my place.  I saw the matinee movie at ten o’clock, “Bridget Jones – The Edge of Reason,” with Renée Zellwager, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. – Not bad!

I had lunch in the Lido with Nellie then took the shuttle bus to town.  When I used my charge card at Tang’s (the pagoda tiered roof of green building) for Sheseido stuff, the card was refused again.  The clerk was very helpful and patient as she waited on the phone.  About ten to fifteen minutes later the okay came in the form of a pre-punch number.  I then enjoyed further looking at the handbag department, which was huge!  I returned to the ship by three thirty, then learned how to use the new calculator.   The starboard propulsion system was the affected mechanism failure.

I went to dinner before we left the dock, and met my two new tablemates, Patricia and Ku.  They have lived in the D.C. area, for over 30 years, in the gasoline station business. 

When we did leave Singapore, the fore and aft tugs pulled us away and eventually did a stern pivot to Starboard and we were on our way up the Strait of Malacca.  The entertainer was a Welsh singer/pianist.  When I returned forward on deck we were going right into the wind with the smoke pouring out the funnel.  Shower and bed after ten.

Wednesday, 16 March, Port Kelang – N02˚ 59.2′ x E 101˚ 19.9′ – Kuala Lumpur.

I reported for my tour in the Theatre then we headed out 2 Deck Lobby D stairway to ramps up to a very long cement balcony walkway at the Star Cruise Terminal – down two sets of Escalators to the buses.  The ride to Kelang was bumpy at first as we crossed the swamp to Port Kelang and on in to the city – one hour and fifteen minutes later.

We saw the Sultan’s Palace – Heritage Museum House, twin towers in Kuala Lumpur.  We had lunch in a Temp’s restaurant in a posh hotel, and then toured a pewter factory.  We were back at the ship by four o’clock.  A Star Cruises ship, “Gemini” is opposite our location on a lower level.  It seems half our size.

During dinner with Pat and Ku we pulled away from the exposed pier and headed forward past the Port Klang cargo ships and on northward into the Straits of Malacca.  The Beetles Mania show was loud and far from authentic, so many of us “friends” left – even the Lees.  I retired early to the cabin, showered and went to bed after eleven.

Thursday, 17 March – St. Patrick’s day.

Last night a fairly bright moon path was visible just starboard of the bow.  When I felt us change course slightly to Starboard I could see a nearly setting moon and path moving to port.  We are now clear of the Straits and heading west in the Bay of Bengal.

At noon we were 35 nautical miles northeast of Banda Ache – north end of Sumatra.  This is where the Tsunami caused such disastrous damage to life and shoreline.  I had spent most of the morning on warm, humid Boat Deck reading the Arnott book, then delivered the dolls to the sales desk.

Noon Report:  N06˚ 9.2′ x E 095˚ 32.8′  Course: Rhumb line 288˚  Speed: 25 knots.  Wind: ENE Force 3 or 9 knots on deck.  Low seas, light swell.

I hear the Beatles concert was very well received and the audience was lively!  The solo party at noon in Yacht Club featured Irish green beer and individual women telling their Irish connections – Mary sang “Peggy O’Neil”!!  Oh no!  I went for lunch with the Lees in the Lido.  Since it is so hot and humid I spent the afternoon in my cabin consolidating my purchases and watching “Calendar Girls.”

I attended the Fair committee meeting in the Chart Room and signed up for decorating committee.  I learned that the Security corps on board consists of Gurkhas from Nepal!

Pat and Ku joined me for dinner as we continued to catch up with and overtake cargo ships.

The show was Diane Cousins from Wales.  Sat with Gisèle and the Lees as usual.  The first quarter moon was high above the ship darting in and out of the clouds.  After a brief check of the St. Patrick’s Day ball decorations I returned to the cabin.

Clocks back one hour.  Now we are exactly 12 hours ahead of Boston.  The Country Fayre is slated for April 1.  Friday in the Red Sea.

The Adaman Sea is located just as one emerges from the Malacca Strait to the West.  It blends with the Bay of Bengal after a series of islands called Adaman Islands.

Friday, 28 March – Bay of Bengal.

As usual, I headed toward Vernon’s table to dine with him and the Sopers.  Then deck time.  Actually I prefaced that with time with the Lees.  I tried to set her calendar time device, but after timing all the details the GMT time didn’t coincide with her home time, which is London and should be the same.  I gave up and then did the deck time under a starboard boat by D stairway.  The sun is mounting over our ship exactly stern to bow, since we are heading due west. 

At eleven thirty I took the dolls to the craft table and stuck around for the noon report and lunch of spaghetti.  N05˚47′ x E 085˚8′  Speed: 22.4 knots, average 25 knots.  Course: 267˚  Rhumb Line.  Temp: 88˚F.  Wind: NE 9 knot. 20 knots over the deck.  Slight seas and low swell.

I was lazy all afternoon, resting and watching television in the cabin.  I had dinner alone, and the Beatle Maniacs were active and fun.  The audience was on their feet, dancing, twisting and bouncing.  I gazed at the stars and moon a while lighting way off to starboard.  Clocks back an hour.

Saturday, 19 March – Colombo, Sri Lanka – N06˚57.2′ x E079˚ 51.2′

We are docked in a heavily cargo area with thickly stacked containers.  There are about a dozen little trinket stalls, and brown clad guards are hanging near the ship.  Areas of the ship’s hull are being hosed down and the white boot top or Plimsol line is being painted.  I strolled by the stalls and bought Ceylon tea and a cullotte- gimmick pair of trousers.

I spent a hot morning on the shady (port) side looking across the harbor entrance and lighthouses observing the city skyline over the harbor and reading my Arnott book.  When the sun caught up to my side I went in to lunch at the Caronia restaurant by the seaside windows.  Conversed with Joe and Lori Burke across tables.  I sat with the Lees briefly by the Lido discussing the mud-scow barges, the Gurkhas and pirates in the Straits of Malacca recently having taken hostages.

At teatime, I joined Doris M. and May for a cup of tea and sandwiches.  Campbell Simpson was playing the piano in the background.  I went to the six- fifteen movie and checked on the preparations for departure, but the Kandy tour hadn’t returned yet, so I ate alone at the Lido.  I returned to the Boat Deck and found status quo with two tugs waiting patiently un-tethered.  By 9:35 we were just preparing for the double tug pull out.  I had expected the ship to pull forward, but when I checked the bow, we were actually moving backwards with the tugs pulling us from the side at an aft angle.  We continued to be pulled toward the far side of the harbor till we could move forward and out between the large green flashing lighthouse and the starboard red blinking smaller lighthouse.  The big round building turned out to be not a lighthouse, but the harbor control “tower.”

Earlier I chatted with an Australian sea captain, and later, when the maneuver was complete, we both admitted we were faked out, because we both thought we would be departing forward out the other channel.  Actually, while waiting for all this, I watched a tug heading out to escort a large P&O Nedlloyd container ship come in and dock across the way.  The unloading process began almost immediately, and this whole thing fascinates me no end.  The Bell-shaped temple is called Sambodhi Chaitiya.

Sunday, 20 March – Arabian Sea – Palm Sunday

I awoke somewhat earlier than my usual, but got up anyway and used the time to read the Lesson and newspaper till seven thirty.  I joined Vernon and a couple for breakfast then headed directly to Port Boat Deck under boat 8 for the rest of the morning.  A rather large fishing boat headed our way on a crossing course, with very long booms protruding on either side.  Later a rather sleek cutter type Indian naval vessel passed us in the opposite direction to us.  The weather was a comfortable 81˚ or so and the forward motion wind was nearing 30 knots.  However, it didn’t seem that much.  Noon:  N10˚ x E10075˚31′.  Speed: 27 knots.  Course:  Rhumb Line 340˚.  Slight seas and low swell.  Oh yes, I napped a bit too!  Pat (Brit) and husband were nearby and we kidded about tailbone sitting in those deck chairs.  Ouch!

At the Lido I ate with the Lees and had a short chat with the Jacksons.  Doug said I should take a photo of my fudge cake with cream and say I was able to resist.  NOT!  Again I spent the afternoon in my cabin – avoided the charity tug of war on Funnel Deck.  I watched television “What a Girl Wants.”  Then started knitting a tea cozy.

I dressed formally and had dinner with Pat and Ku.  They invited me to do a taxi trip with them on Tuesday in Mumbai, which I accepted.  I returned topside and spent some delightful time under the quarter moon and soft breeze.  I then made a purchase at the half off sale – a yellow shirt.  Movie: “I Robot.”  Clocks back one half hour.

Monday, 21 March – Mumbai, India

When I finally emerged on deck after breakfast, the distant skyline of Mumbai was visible.  We were crawling at about 4.9 knots slowly passing the outer lighthouse, then a similar inner lighthouse.  I had eaten in the Lido with Barbara Buchner, whom I had met when she was sitting with Bill and Richard before Singapore.  Barb and I had a great time comparing notes on ships and various names such as Paton, who is Sam Cunard’s great grandson from Halifax and a Charles Langley, also a Cunard aficionado from Halifax, and my nautical friends.!

I spent the rest of the morning gazing toward the harbor with a Navy ship anchored! 57 and several cargo ships at anchor and in the distance “7 Seas Mariner.” at the dock.  We have to wait for her to leave before we can take over there.  I could see especially the Gateway to India and the “Taj” hotel, as well as the various surrounding islands.

The big ordeal of the day was the immigration process in Queens Room.  I went through with Valerie H. and we went to lunch at a table for two in Mauretania, where she told of her many visits to friends in Colombo.  I swear she has acquaintances in most of the ports.

To while away the afternoon at anchor I watched the 2:30 movie, “Welcome to Mooseport” then when I went on deck found the afternoon sun and air and wind most enjoyable, so I watched seven or eight small sailboats tacking in the vast harbor or Bay!

I was tempted to have tea, so I found a velvet chair just inside Queens Room and Sylvia came to join me for goodies and pleasant conversation.  She is spending $40,000 for a twin cabin and two portholes and reckons she will have spent $60,000 by the end of the cruise (Canadian).  That is quite a contrast to my $23,000!

During dinner the red sun set over the naval ship and later at dusk “Seven Seas Navigator” left the Ballard Dock and headed directly toward us till quite close, then turned parallel to us, blew its whistle three times and QE2 responded long and loud three times, each ending with the single boop.  After a while on deck again I went below around nine o’clock to change and realized the anchor was being raised, so I went back up to the bow observation and watched the thorough washing of the chain links and the mud accumulation on the deck.  Eventually four tugs arrived to nudge us 90˚ toward the dock to port.  I was again faked out from my speculations.  Showered and turned in by ten thirty.

Tuesday, 22 March – Mumbai – N18˚51.6′ x E072˚ 49.6′

From nine o’clock I was with Ku, Pat and Ma, in a taxi tour of Mumbai.  We saw Gateway to India (Bollywood was filming), the Taj Mahal Hotel, beach, the hanging gardens, Dobbi Ghat, Victorian Train station, Ghandi museum, shops and then lunch atop the Taj.  There were great views of poor streets, the tightly wedged buildings and squares,  the Gateway to India monument, the boats in the harbor and the distant outlying islands.    We were back at the ship just before three o’clock.

I stayed in my cabin napping and watching television till dinner time, and was on my own for shrimp cocktail, Mulligatawny soup and Chateaubriand plus rocky road ice cream.  For a while I walked on deck looking down to activities on the dock and sitting on the waterside with moonlight and boats at moorings. 

I watched “Jersey Girl” in the Theatre then again went on deck.  Talked with Pat S. while we all listened to a good Indian Band playing on the dock way below.  At a little past eleven the over-land travelers came home dragging their bags behind them.  Most of them stopped to dance or sway with the music, then by eleven thirty all were aboard and we prepared to leave.  Meanwhile I dashed to the Lido for a snack and ate with Lucy who had just returned from her India overland trip to Delhi, Agra etc.  I returned to the deck to watch the tugs pull us away and help with our gradual turn around to the channel.  Clocks back one half hour..

Wednesday, 23 March – Arabian Sea.

Breakfast again with Vernon, Sopers and a lady who went to the Taj Mahal.  She told of the whole trip, which was very interesting.  The rest of the morning I was on deck near Myron.  We conversed a while then he helped me locate further forward in the better shade of boat four.  The weather was very comfortable and bright while I read my book on Islam.

My lunchtime brought new friends to share with, Mike Campbell and his friend plus a very nice Brit.  Noon Report:  N20˚ 03.5′ x #068˚45.6′  Course:  298˚, Speed: 21.2 knots.  Temp: 78˚F Wind: NW Force 3 9 knots, 30 knots on the decks.  Slight seas and light swell.

Again I was late to pick up the dolls but I got there in time to relieve Maria and Frank of their extra burden.  I spent time in the cabin watching television, and then went to the Yacht Club for the sailors’ get-together.  A lovely couple from Clydebank, Elizabeth and Clive shared their cruise charter activities and Commodore Clive – the sailing classes at their Yacht Club.  Another man, Charles, told of his Chesapeake sailing – also submarine experiences. 

I spent more deck time in late sunshine before dressing for dinner at the last minute.  Much photo taking prior to the Baked Alaska parade!  Stuart Gillies from Scotland now Jersey, sang baritone songs.  I was back in the cabin before ten o’clock.  Beautiful moonlight night!

Thursday, 24 March – Arabian Sea crossing toward Straits of Hormuz.

The moon set ahead of us very early in the morning.  I spent most of the morning on deck portside in the usual super weather conditions.  At one point a helicopter came to and around us.  Later at lunch Captain Peter Russell leaned over Eric to tell him some naval ships greeted us and converged with QE2 greeting us.  He and Eric also traded yarns of towing experiences; Eric towed a full tanker from Suez to England!

At eleven I reported for the talent show registration, then had lunch with the Lees and Marilyn joined us – telling of her packing and moving to new quarters as they make way for the “real” Captain Bates and Peter reverts to his usual job as Staff Captain.  I sang the “Dove Sono” at the talent show.  Ku was very complimentary as were a few of the other performers.

Meanwhile the QE2 continues her calm passage to the Straits of Hormuz.  Noon Report: N24˚30′ x E059˚ 36.9′  Speed:  21.1 knots  Course: 298˚ same as yesterday.  We have been sticking with that straight course for more than a day.

Lord Jeffrey Archer is on board and lecturing.  Ku and Pat joined me for dinner and our English couple next to us celebrated John’s birthday and we photographed them and their cake.  The show tonight was great with Harry accompanying the fabulous Opera Babes who started their career as buskers in London!  I spent some time on deck in moonlight searching for any hint of proof we have gone through the Straits of Hormuz or in the Persian Gulf.  With the GPS I see we are already northwest of Abu Dhabi.  Clocks back an hour.

Friday, 25 March – On hold off of Dubai!

At seven forty-five the Captain came on the Tannoy to report the wind is too strong to allow us to enter the harbor of Dubai, and we have done a complete 180˚ in order to head away.  We will seek to anchor out in hopes of better conditions (the sun is shining unhampered). I thought the docking would be difficult when I saw the flag out straight and the ship’s shadow changing gradually.  At one point it was obvious a tug had hit us since I could feel the hull shudder.  At present we are headed out to sea in the Persian Gulf. 

Since we are here for an overnight, we might be able to try again, but Peter Russell said the wind may continue for two days.  Meanwhile, will the tours be cancelled?  We don’t know.  The anchor was dropped at eight o’clock, in the 30-knot wind.  The anchor ball has been raised as well.

There was a helicopter evacuation due at nine fifteen, a medical emergency.  Tony Ralph is working on how to get the debarking passengers off.  The helicopter circled several times then hovered just off the Port side till the stretcher was delivered to helideck.  Meanwhile the deck hands prepared the port orange lifeboat (#2) in case the helicopter had to ditch in the gulf.  It wasn’t needed fortunately and the med-evac was accomplished safely.  However it was fascinating to watch the helicopter pilot hesitate just off the ship for the right time to move across for the landing on Helideck.  I stood facing aft from the Observation deck with camera poised for the spectacular moves.

For the rest of the morning I sat on starboard Boat Deck under boat three in shade and in the lee of the 30-knot wind.  The greenish and muddy water has been agitated with whitecaps and moderate seas.  The Dubai skyline is aft (south) of us in the distant haze.  There is a pleasant splashing of the waves as the crests break and fold in on themselves.  It is very pleasant but bordering on cool in shade.

I had lunch in the Lido with Rosemary, and then went for a nap till 2:45, when I joined Marilyn, 2 Margarets, Fran and Zelma and Elaine’s Mom in the Teen Room off Yacht Club, sorting the clothing for the Country Fayre.  We gals had tea together in the neighboring Lido, and then I headed downward to my cabin. 

The ship has headed out to sea indefinitely for the time being.  The show was a combination of Stuart Gillies, Harry and the Opera Babes.  The full moon is high in the sky, and it seems like the seas have calmed somewhat.