Tuesday, 14 of May of 2024

FRIDAY, August 21

            Friday had already dawned by the time I got to sleep and I had only three or four hours.  Arose at six and was at breakfast by seven.  Matthew breezed in a little later like a whirlwind and served us a bit slap-dashedly. He had an extra English muffin and tried to find whose it was.  Finding no takers he slipped it off onto the tray and stacked the plate in the warming oven.  Later another guest ordered one and he resurrected the muffin and put it on the warmer, later to serve it.  He knew I saw it and we chuckled knowingly. Mark was not serving, and I put a note on Aunt Audrey’s envelope, hoping to get his mom’s address.

            We pulled into Southampton and were quayside by a little past noon.  The weather is very hot and muggy. I stood atop the sun deck to see the operation.  At present I am in Queen’s Room starboard side awaiting my last meeting with C….

            He found me and we sat to one side of Queens Room enjoying each other’s company. I joined Aunt Audrey and we played cards a long while until we were told we could disembark at 3:15 PM.  I claimed all our luggage, boarded the train and waited till 4:25 for it to leave.  Then it was very erratic because of not being scheduled, and we arrived London by 6:45.  The trip has only begun but the major attraction is over.  I have met some special people and was able to be of some help friend-wise and maybe mother-wise.

A special memory I will hold is of one evening when we encountered rather rough weather, I stood on portside just aft of the steps up to the Observation deck (that was closed off), I leaned over the railing to enjoy the wonderful waves and spray.  Each time when I saw QE2 plunge into the oncoming waves, I would anticipate when the spray would reach me, and pull back just in time!  While doing this, I heard myself saying, ” You sure are your Father’s daughter!”  Yes, I thought of him often on this reunion with the marvelous experience of the sea!