Tuesday, 14 of May of 2024

April 11 – 13, 1988

Monday, April 11 – Lahaina

I was wakeful a lot, so felt the sway of the ship and chop a lot.  We are anchored off Lahaina, and by 8:15 I was on the launch for shore – the first one of several launches and trips back and forth.  I simply strolled along Front Street and was back at the ship by ten o’clock.  I took the opportunity to explore more decks, but was so tired, I decided to head back to the cabin to catch up on sleep..   I played the piano near Columbia Restaurant till lunch and the ship got under way.  While standing on Boat Deck, a fresh wind came up – white caps and all, and it’s very blustery but clear out.  Boat drill at Club Lido – tea – Dinner.

At 9:15 I met C…. and we went to the pub.  Met Scott from Scotland and Steve, then saw Mark in and out, and Matthew.  I talked with many re: music, their escapades in foreign lands, then near midnight we walked back via narrow windy corridors right to 5 Deck and to my cabin.  He came in to see the cabin and said good night.

Tuesday, 12 April – at Sea

I arose at 8:15 and lingered in the cabin.  I sent the telex to Chris then wrote cards and letters.  Julie came in to tidy up.  I went to Club Lido after lunch and lounged on a deck chair listening to tapes and then rehearsed my program back in the cabin.  Alas, I missed hearing C…. knock because of my earphones etc., so I found a note slipped under the door.  Attended a concert by a duo, which sang Broadway and light opera stuff.  Lingered up on Boat Deck and C…..  came out to invite me into Queens Grill Lounge for the last few minutes of tea, then we walked down A stairway and parted for him to shower and go back on duty.  I prepared for dinner. We’ll meet again tonight at 9:30. 

We went straight to the pub and he showed me several more sets of photos.  Many of his friends again gathered round, Robert, Matthew, Mark, Scott and others, and conversation came round again to new developments such as Mauretania being changed to full plate serving and wages reduced to $50 from $600 a month.  Many will leave the ship because of this.  AT 1:15 a.m. escorted me to his cabin, then mine and the goodnight was brief. 

Wednesday, 13 April – at Sea

Spent the morning in my cabin (4019) waiting for my hair to dry.  When I did emerge, I immediately ruined my set by going on Boat deck and Sun deck where the wind was very strong.   I spent some time in the Theatre Bar where a synthesizer and drum combo were playing dance music.  Two very lively older couples were dancing superbly.  Bertha and Len returned my tape with compliments.  Emma  came over so we decided to meet after lunch, which we did, and she came to my cabin to hear my rehearsals.  She was Barbra Streisand’s voice teacher!

At teatime, I went up to Grand Lounge for tea and interviews with John Butt, Cruise Director and Bob Doherty entertainment director.  Before lunch I had gone up to Queen’s Grill to greet C. but he was not yet returned, so I left him a note.

Dinner was again formal, and Bertha, Len and Hampton joined me in shrimp cocktail and lobster tail entrée, which we had specially ordered at lunch.  Scott brought me the verbal message that C. was working late tonight and would call me later.  I tried to see him after dinner, but he was too busy.  Heard two numbers of the Ben Vereen show, then returned to the cabin.  Caught “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”  C. called and popped down so we watched the end of the film from my bed.  He left by 11:40 and I turned in.