Sunday, 19 of January of 2025


When a child my interest in ships was kindled and nurtured by my father’s enthusiasm as we would pass by the numerous piers on New York’s Westside drive. In 1941 or so I remember seeing the QUEEN MARY, ACQUATANIA and NORMANDIE lying on her side after the disastrous fire. In my college years during the 1950s I traveled Trans-Atlantic ships many times through the Council on Student Travel, and experienced great times aboard the NEPTUNIA, COLUMBIA, AROSA SUN, AROSA KULM and others I don’t remember. From 1959 on, after my marriage to a landlubber, and raising a family, plus 31 years living in the Arizona desert, there wasn’t much reference or cause to keep up with that youthful experience. Not until 1987, when I found myself divorced and the two boys old enough to be completely on their own, married and in college, I decided to reward myself with my first Crossing on the Queen Elizabeth 2. This was after a mature return to university life for a second Bachelor’s degree followed immediately by the Master’s Degree in vocal performance: an adult pursuit along with my two sons who were also in college at that time. Ever since that wonderful, fateful year, I have never let a year go by without some time cruising the world on my favorite ship of all time!

My first log is posted here, and I hope you will find it and all subsequent postings of some interest. For me, it is the next best thing to sailing on her, which has now become an impossibility. Long live the magic and spirit of QUEEN ELIZABETH 2, all her officers and crew! This whole work is dedicated to my dear Father who always has figured in my memories of past nautical times together.


Martha Martin HuffordMartha